Did Sleigh Bells take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Sleigh Bells

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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The Vocal Journey of Sleigh Bells' Alexis Krauss

Alexis Krauss, the dynamic frontwoman of noise pop duo Sleigh Bells, is known for her powerful and distinctive voice, which has captivated fans worldwide. But did Alexis Krauss take singing lessons? How did she develop her unique vocal style?

While specific details about singing lessons or vocal coaches for Alexis Krauss are not widely publicized, many artists acquire their skills through a combination of formal training and self-taught techniques. For aspiring singers looking to emulate Krauss' compelling vocal presence, here’s how you can start:

Embrace Your Unique Voice

One of Krauss' strengths is her authentic vocal style. To find your own voice, spend time analyzing your voice and understanding what makes it special. Singing Carrots offers tools like the Vocal Range Test to help determine your vocal range, comparing it with famous singers.

Develop Your Technique

Improving your technique is essential. Krauss' music often showcases powerful belting and controlled dynamics. You can learn contemporary vocal techniques including heavy modal, twang, and belting through our articles. Additionally, practical exercises like the How to Twang Exercise can be beneficial.

Practice Regularly

Regular practice is key. Utilize resources like the Pitch Training game and vocal warm-ups to improve pitch accuracy and agility. Our Vocal Pitch Monitor helps in visualizing your sung notes, making practice sessions more productive.

Take Care of Your Vocal Health

Vocal health is crucial, especially for singers like Krauss who perform extensively. Understand how to maintain vocal health to prevent strain and damage.


While not much is known about Alexis Krauss's path to vocal mastery through singing lessons or coaching, her success emphasizes the importance of finding one's voice, continual practice, vocal health, and technique development. By leveraging resources like those offered on Singing Carrots, you too can take significant steps toward improving your singing and achieving your vocal potential, whether through formal singing lessons or self-guided learning.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners